Cafe Opening 12th April


We are thrilled that our cafe is opening on 12th April for sit down meals once again.  You will be able to sit down outside to eat your meal and catch up with your friends and family.  We have all missed our regulars and can’t wait to hear all of your news.  We also look forward to welcoming lots of new customers.  So the next time you are in the shop, why not stop for a bite to eat or a cup of coffee.

Cafe Opening from 12th April
8 am – 4 pm daily

In order for the smooth running and cafe opening on 12th April, we will be abiding by some rules to keep our staff and customers safe.  Please read through these and make sure you are familiar with them.

– Tables will be of up to 6 people or 2 different households
– ALL guests must sign into our track and trace system, either via the NHS app (there will be a QR code you can scan) or on our sheets of paper
– Please remain seated once you have ordered. Parents, please make sure your children adhere to this
– Large bookings will be allowed, but you must sit at tables of 6 and you can not swap/move around
– Face masks must be worn when moving around but can be removed when seated
Cafe Opening 12th April



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